BUY high-grade plastic-BAGS online from Elke Plastic

If you value stable and recyclable plastic products and want to BUY versatile BAGS, then  Elke Plastic is the skilled and experienced partner you’re looking for.

Our range of products encompasses among other things the following products:






BUYING BAGS – long-lived and re-usable

We put a premium on processing quality plastics with high durability in the production of our PE-bags. Our bags are easy on the environment in two ways: Thanks to their long functional life they can be used by the end-consumer multiple times – a property that can also have an extremely positive effect on customer loyalty. And since our plastic bags are made out of recyclable plastic, they do not constitute a form of pollution when they are properly disposed of.

BUYING BAGS online- it’s part of the package with us!

You will find high-grade plastic bags for every purpose in our inventory of products. Plastic packaging by Elke Plastic proves its quality every day on shelves, in the warehouse, in the sale and in the hands of customers. Of course you can also BUY pre-printed BAGS from so that you can keep your logo visible on a high-value surface. We look forward to your inquiry!